“I t has brought me closer to other people and to God, intensified my firm conviction that God is unconditional love. For a long time, it wasn't even possible to speak openly about homosexuality, never mind make a motion picture about it. “It’s about who I am and what I can contribute to the world,” he explained. It’s quite the turnaround for a man who was once an evangelist of a very different kind - but Norm doesn’t see an inconsistency between the two halves of his life. The title of world’s oldest gay porn star amuses him, because he prefers to call himself “an evangelist for joyful sex.” While portrayals of passionate and loving gay sex remain rare in mainstream film and TV, he uses his platform to show a different kind of sexual expression between men.
(Channel 5)Īnd understanding is what Norm’s all about. “It’s not about fighting them back but to see if I can penetrate that closed-mindedness with a little understanding.” Norm shares photos from his youth. “Some people might be asking, ‘How can you still claim to be a Christian and a minister? How can you degrade yourself like this?’ No one’s ever said that to me yet but I have a bagful of responses if they choose to! “Whoever my detractors are, none have come to me personally,” he said.